When you are preparing to get rid of a junk car or motorized equipment, you have the opportunity to remove the gasoline from the tank and reuse it for other fuel applications. However, beware that gasoline does not last forever. At some point, unused fuel goes bad and must be disposed of. If the gasoline you are planning to siphon has been sitting in the tank for longer than 4 or 5 months, you can safely assume that it has begun the degradation process, and is no longer viable, or in the least an optimal fuel source. Dirty or old fuel can cause internal combustion problems in motors, so it is not recommended for reuse.
But unlike most other things we toss into the garbage for trash collection day, gasoline requires a specific disposal approach, as it is a hazardous and highly flammable chemical. Continue reading to learn the general rule of thumb for proper gasoline disposal.
Storing and Transferring Gasoline
In order to safely toss out old gasoline, you must first place it in government-certified containers. Opt for the standard, red “jerry cans” you can buy at any local gas station or automotive store. Otherwise, use any other type of plastic gas jug with a pouring spout. Most municipal fire codes mandate that gasoline containers must be less than 5 gallons of fuel. Also, when filling up your jugs, be sure to leave 5% of room at the top for fumes.
How to Throw Out Old Gasoline
There are a few ways you can safely dispose of gasoline in your community. You can start by looking for a local hazardous waste removal or collection center that will accept your contaminated or old gasoline jugs. If you do not have any luck with a hazardous waste disposal center, try your town’s fire department. Even if they do not accept contaminated gasoline for disposal, they can point you in the right direction. Another option is to contact your municipal waste management plant. Often times, they have resources for hazardous waste removal and disposal, or can at least refer you to the right place.
Louisville Junk Car Removal Services That Pays YOU Cash on the Spot
Call GC’s Junk Cars at 502-804-5605 if you want free junk car removal in Louisville and its surrounding areas. Not only do we accept all vehicles, regardless of age, make, model, and condition, we also payout the highest returns for junk vehicles in Kentucky. Just accept our offer, then we will come pick up your junk car and pay you CASH ON THE SPOT! Contact us today to request a free estimate.