After you get into a car accident, you will likely make a claim with your auto insurance carrier. But does this automatically require you to repair your vehicle? Can you choose to not repair your car after an insurance claim accident? If you are asking these questions, continue reading to learn what you need to know about auto accident insurance claims and car repairs.
Auto Loans and Insurance Continuation
When making an auto accident insurance claim, you will be subjected to a few requirements, especially when it comes to repairs. If you are interested in continuing with your comprehensive or collision coverage, the insurance carrier will require you to repair your vehicle. That is because all insurance companies refuse to cover a vehicle that has endured ambiguous structural and mechanical damages.
Insurance companies also mandate repairs after a wreck if you are still paying off an auto loan on the vehicle. In fact, your lender may also require you to have the vehicle repaired, and by one of their own approved auto repair providers.
You Are Required to Repair Your Car If:
☑ You are still paying off an auto loan.
☑ There is a lien on your car.
☑ You want to stay insured.
Opting Out of a Claim
If the vehicular damage is minor enough that is does not interfere with the safety, performance, or efficiency of your car, or you do not care about aesthetics, you can choose to forgo making a claim through your insurance carrier. If you want, you can make the repairs to your vehicle on your terms, when it is economically available to you. But if you decide later on to take your car in for repairs, you will have to pay for the work out of your own pocket.
Doing Your Own Repairs
If you own your vehicle in full, you might be allowed to repair the damages yourself, that is, if you are handy in auto body work and automotive mechanics. Just be sure DIY auto work won’t void any of your current coverage. Check your policy first to see of you are allowed to perform your own repairs. If there is a lien on your car, you will not be allowed to repair it yourself.
Is your vehicle uninsured and simply too damaged to bother with repairs? Great news! Just contact GC’s Junk Cars at 502-804-5605 to sell your junk car in Louisville Kentucky for cash on the spot. We provide free junk removal too!
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